Wednesday 7 February 2007

Weekly Report

Supervisor Meeting
Today we met with our supervisor Chris. He was pleased with our progress because we were carrying out the required work while regularly blogging. He said that we should carry out research on our target audience by creating a questionnaire while taking into account the lecture on ‘questionnaire design’ by Dr Russell Beale and then to establish the prototype of the product.

Team Meeting

The team meeting was carried out in the project labs today, where all team members were present.The following was carried out:
  • Established a questionnaire to ask the target audience and their parents. This will allow our team to gather information from the target audience so we can design an effective product

Work to be carried out before next meeting:

  • Navjot to re-write the questionnaire on computer
  • Team members to think of additional questions for the questionnaire, so we can establish qualitative and quantitative data that will aid the design of the product
  • Tehyab to write-up the weekly report
  • To think about issues that will be discussed in the next meeting
Issues to cover in the next meeting 14 February 2007
  • Gathering data from the target audience
  • Prototypes
  • Key use cases and key scenarios

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