Friday 2 February 2007

Persona 1 - Timothy Jones

Name: Timothy Jones

Sex: Male

Age: 11

Tim is a polite and ambitious young man who enjoys going out with his family and socialising with his friends. He started secondary school last September the school has kept him busy with regular homework.


Eldest son has two younger brothers and one sister. Lives with parents. He’s very close to his father they regularly go bike riding and to get the weekly groceries at their local Asda branch.

Computer Literacy:

Tim’s level of computer knowledge and experience is basic however it is developing as he has regular IT lessons at school.

Web & Technology

Due to security concerns his parents have limited the use of the Internet. Using the web for homework and visiting other educational websites are only permitted under supervision by his parents.

Favourite sites

Revisewise, CBeebies and Yahooligan's.

He enjoys the activities on Revisewise, as they are challenging and the website is colourful therefore helps maintain is concentration. He believes the website has allowed him to work well at school by answering questions asked by the teacher in lessons and doing the homework’s with minimum help from his parents



· Football with friends

· Bike riding with his father.

· Reading car magazines such as Autopoint

· Playing games on his PSP


His role models are his parents who are the motivation for him to succeed and have the success he dreams of.


To be successful. He realises that this can only be achieved via effective education. His parents naturally want him to be successful and regularly purchase the latest educational toys/games, which they believe will improve his performance at school.

Tim’s requirements from toys:

· To be colourful

· Entertaining

· Games to be quick to load

· Challenging

· Visualisation: toys which make use of less text as possible but more use icons

· Minimum weight

· Portable

· Durable

· Reliable, they don’t freeze but work as they are required too.

· Helps gain advantage at school


“be successful”


From this persona it can be established that there are a few points that need to be considered during prototyping. We must take these to the drawing board.

A Day in the Life

A typical day for Tim and his family involves:

6:15am- Tim’s father is awake

7:00: Father leaves home for work

7:00 am – His mother wakes up and prepares everyone breakfast

7:30am- Mother goes upstairs to wake the children

7:35-7:45: Tim gets out of bed washes his face and teeth and goes downstairs for breakfast.

8:0am – The family complete their traditional English breakfast and go back to their bedrooms to get dressed for school

8:25 am – The children are back downstairs to leave home. As the school is local they walk to school.

9:00: Tim, his brothers and sisters start school

9.00: Mother starts all housework such as the ironing and washing up

11.40- Mother prepares the children’s lunch, which is fish fingers and fishcakes with beans.

12.15pm – Tim, his brothers and sisters arrive home for lunch

12:45 - They leave home for school

3.15 pm – End of school day. They walk home with their friends after a long and hardworking day at school

3:40-4:00 pm – They arrive home get changed into their normal clothes

4.00 –5:00pm – Watch Cbeebies, they enjoy watching ‘Chuckle Vision’ which is the favourite programme.

5:15-Father arrives home from work

5:30-6:45 - The children carryout their homework with the guidance from their parents

6:45-7 pm – The dinning table is prepared for the family to have dinner. This is carried out the mother.

7:00pm-Dinner time, the family have a dinner together on a large dining table.

7:30pm-8: Dinner is finished and the family help cleanup the table and wash-up the dishes.

8:00 - The family have a talk on what each other did that day. This allows the family to share their problems and be successful in resoling them.

8:30 - The children get changed into nightwear.

8:45 - The children tucked into bed by their mother and they are ready to go to sleep

9:00approx-They are asleep

9-10 -Parents talk to each other over a TV programme

10:15: Parents go to sleep

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