Monday 5 February 2007

Product justification

In our meeting on the 31/1/07 we dicussed ideas of products we wanted to design. After lengthy discussions we came up with three initial ideas.

1. Mobile phones that are specifically designed for young people.
The advantages of creating this product is that the ergonomics of the phone can be designed to aid youngsters. This includes the shape and style of the phone, the colours and grammer of the phone to ensure maximum comfort and ease of use to children. Also particular functions of the phone will be adapted for children. This can include specific childrens games and WAP on mobile phones that enables the use of childrens websites. A disadvantage of this type of product is that children may want 'adult' mobile phones as they are readily available on the market and are constantly updated with more and more features. It would be hard to compete with these types of products. Also during discussions in our meeting we wanted to design a product that will give children or help children in learning life long skills. We wanted to design an educational product that will benefit their basic reading, writing and arithmetic. We felt that this product did not fit that purpose.

2. Our second idea was to design a website which would act as an educational tool to young children. This website would have multipurpose games to teach children basic skills. This again would be appealing to children by using a good colour scheme and language that is easy to understand. The interactive games would keep children entertained whilst learning key skills. The disadvantage of this product is that since its a website, children will have the opportunity to go on other websites and play games. Similar websites may already be on the market that are not very successful.

3. The third idea was to have an all in one educational device. This would be a hand held device that contains all types of games to help a childs reading, writing and arithmetic. It would have games to help them with their spelling and numeracy. This educational device will contain a famous cartoon character who the children can compete against. This will ensure the games are competitive whilst providing children with fundamental skills. The device will be affordable for the parents to give to their children. We wanted to be innovative and create an innovative idea. There is no real product like this in the market.

After this process we decided to choose the third idea as it was an innovative product that provided the essential skills that the children can learn. The children can play this educational device and will hopefully learn skills that willl benefit them in education and in the future. This tool will be designed to improve their knowledge and grades at school whilst learning essential life skills.

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