Wednesday 21 February 2007

Weekly Report 14/02/07

Tasks performed before the meeting:
  • Sent questionnaire to relatives with young children and gathered data from the questionnaire
  • Produced use cases of the product

Team Meeting
The team meeting was carried out in the project labs today, where all team members were present.The following was carried out:

  • Collated information from the questionnaires and performed statistical analysis on the data.
  • Produced pie charts and bar charts in order to help us make key decisions regarding the product.

Work to be carried out before next meeting:

  • Use the analysed data to help in making key decisions for our product
  • Start working on the prototype either in Ms PowerPoint or using post-it notes
  • Research into products and design considerations for children
Issues to cover in the next meeting 21 February 2007
  • The progress of the prototype
  • Key design issues

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