Monday 5 February 2007

Persona 4 - John Smith

John Smith


Age 10

John Smith, ten-years-old. He is currently in year 6 at school and is the only child in his family. He is angry and frustrated with life due to problems in his family.


His father and mother are divorced due to the father’s alcoholic problems and he now lives alone with his mother. Since his mother is out working as a cleaner trying to support the family, John has become more independent.

He is impatient or angry and is frustrated with the situation regarding his parents. He blames the divorce on himself and is likely to have tantrums or vent his anger.

Computer Literacy:

John’s level of computer experience is average, as he knows his basics pretty well.

John likes to use technology such as his PlayStation. He knows how to use the Computer and use simple applications such as Microsoft Word and Paint.

Favourite games:

Mortal Kombat,

Grand Theft Auto,

The Godfather



Computer games as they are interesting, imaginative and keep him entertained.

He is a good Rugby player using his physical prowess

General Interests

Computer games, Rap music, Rugby


John has been truant for a lot of his lessons. He has a poor academic record as well as a poor attendance record. In his end of year report, teachers made statements such as “He doesn’t listen to teachers and he does not try hard enough”. However there is potential with John particularly in the field of Sports. He is a good Rugby player using his physical prowess. He hates English and mathematics at school because they are boring subjects. He would prefer to work in a lesson where there is more imagination and innovation instead of teachers just writing on a blackboard.


John has no clear goals and just wants to make mischief. His idol is Eminem and he would like to be like him.


He would prefer to work in a lesson where there is more imagination and innovation instead of teachers just writing on a blackboard.


“Get out of my way!”

“I’m Stronger than you”

“Shut up!”


John has been truant for a lot of his lessons. He has a poor academic record as well as a poor attendance record. In his end of year report, teachers made statements such as “He doesn’t listen to teachers and he does not try hard enough”. However there is potential with John particularly in the field of Sports. He is a good Rugby player using his physical prowess. He hates English and mathematics at school because they are boring subjects.

A day in the Life

A typical day for George and his family involves:

8.00 am – John’s Mother wakes him up to get ready for school at 8.30

8.15 am – John is still in bed and tells his mother to go away, his mother shouts at him and then he gets up and quickly prepares to go to school

8.30 am – John’s mother drops John on her way to work, she waits outside the school gates until John has gone inside to ensure he is not being truant.

9.00 am – John’s mother attends work as a cleaner at the factory

10.00 am - He is bored during the mathematics lesson and doesn’t bother paying any attention.

12.00 noon – John has his school dinner he loves cheese burger and chips. After he has eaten he starts to pick on an intelligent student called Arthur.

1.15 pm - During English he pulls a prank on the student ahead of him in order to cause


2.00 pm - After lunch he has a science lesson, which he answers back to the teacher and sent to the principals office. After being addressed by the principal he returns to the science class and doesn’t pay attention to the rest of the lecture

3.30 pm – School finishes and he hangs around with his mates Mickey and Kevin. They play ‘knock-door-run’ as well as causing disruption amongst the neighbourhood by throwing stones.

6.00 pm – He returns home where he plays his Playstation games such as Mortal Kombat.

8.30 pm – His mother returns home from her long day of work and is shattered. She quickly makes lasagne for dinner, which she and John eat.

9.00 pm – John decides to watch TV after eating his dinner

10.00pm – John’s mother goes bed after a long tiring day

11.30pm – John decides to go bed

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