Monday 5 February 2007

Persona 5 - Sarah Collins

Sarah Collins
Fast tracking schooler, age 6

Sarah is a lively child She enjoys her time at school. Her parents closely monitor what toys she plays with and want to encourage the use of educational toys.


Sarah is the only child in her family; her family consists of her mother, father and aunt. As Sarah is the only child she gets a lot of attention and help from her family.

Computer Literacy:

At such a young age Sarah is not expected to be computer literate however she can load a pc and play educational games on a cd- rom with help from her aunt

Web & Technology

Sarah uses the internet to play online educational games but under her aunt’s supervision

Favourite sites

cbeebies games,, Disney games online


Sarah likes drawing and artistic designs which she makes on her small drawing book.

Sarah enjoys singing and plays with her toy piano at weekends. She likes to play with her Barbie doll, Toy Cleaning Kits, and enjoys reading books and playing puzzles.

Hours spent on hobbies: This varies but on average it is two hours per day and 6 hours on the weekend.


I enjoy watching TV and playing with characters of my favourite shows like Barbie and tweenies.

I want a mobile like my aunt so I can also play games o the phone.


Sarah would like to grow up and become a Lawyer like her father

Sarah’s short term goals include her convincing her parents to buy her a phone like her aunt with the Barbie case.


I enjoy company and do not like playing alone.

I want to be entertained.

I want learning games that are challenging, which change at each level and have good colour schemes, lights and sound in them.

I want to see pictures of cartoon characters.


“I want to grow up and be a lawyer like my father and clever as my aunt”.


Although Sarah is the main users of the product she cannot be expected to buy the product at this age therefore her parents mainly purchase the educational tools that they find interesting for her to use.

Attitude: An average child when it comes to learning. Sarah likes activities in groups and not lonesome games, gets bored easily needs to be centre of attention. Sarah is often forgetful and can’t remember where she places her belongings.

A day in the Life

A typical day for Sarah and her family involves:

7.30 am - Her father gets up and dresses p to go work

8.00 am - Her mother and aunt gets up and prepares everyone breakfast

8.15 am - The family have breakfast together, which usually includes selection of cereals, biscuits, cakes, toasts and fresh fruits.

8.30 am - Sarah walks it to her local school with her aunt.

9.00 am - Sarah’s dad sets of to work,

12.00 noon - Sarah would have his school dinners, she loves pizza and chips.

3.30 pm - Sarah's mother collects her from school by van.

4.00 pm - On the way home Sarah stops at the local park and plays on the swing before she continues her journey home.

5.00 pm - On a typical day Sarah’s dad would get home around 6.00 and mom will start preparing the dinner

5.15pm - Sarah will start to colour in her colouring book or play with her Barbie doll

6.00 pm - The family will sit together and have dinner and talk about their day

7.30 pm - Sarah has a toy cleaning (brush, mop etc) kit, which she plays with while her aunt does the washing.

8.30 pm - Sarah goes to bed, before going to bed she plays a game on her aunt’s phone and her aunt read her a small story

9.00 pm - The parents may sit around and watch TV and spend some quality time together, while the grandparents head off to bed as well.

10.00 pm - The parents go to bed after a long tiring day

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