Wednesday 28 February 2007

Market Research - Product 5

The child'd laptop is another favourite toy among kids which like the interactive computer look and style. It's main purpose is to help kids with there learning and contains lots of fun packed activities. The learning laptop helps children learn letters, English, spelling, math, geometry and music through age-appropriate games. It has a built in progress checker that keps a track of the child's perfromance and adjusts skills accordingly.

Like all the other products the learning laptop has it's weaknesses it is not ideal for our recommended age group the mouse in particular is he main cause of this problem kids generaly struggle to control the mouse with there small hands and the point mouse does not help.
The screen is another factor the laptop in genera is of a good size however the sceen is to small and not what kids like, the lack of colour on the screen does not help it's cause. The laptop is effective in helping kids learn but when compared to others it fall far behind of what is expected by the average kid today.

Market Research - Product 4

PSP is a handheld game console released and manufactured by Sony Computer Entertainment. The PSP is available in many colors black, ceramic white, pink, metallic blue, silver, and champagne. Mainly developed for gaming however it has its movie and music playback capabilities. It has a image viewer feature which can view formats like JPEG and PNG. The PSP can connect via a wireless network and one or players can play each other. They can also go online the Internet use the infrared function amongst many other functions.

The PSP is common among kids however it does not follow our aims of an education tool. Our personas give us feedback they want a device like this that can be used as an educational tool and also have fun at the same time.

Market Research - Product 3

The personal digital assistant (PDA) also known as handhelds or palmtops, is another tool that is eye catching to the younger generation. The main aim is to act as an electronic organizer or day planner that is portable, easy to use and capable of sharing information with your PC.

PDA ‘s manage your personal information, such as contacts, appointments, and to-do lists, today's devices can also connect to the Internet, act as global positioning system (GPS) devices, and run multimedia software.

PDA’s are good for the business type as it acts as a personal organizer they are built for the older generation however there is a need for the younger generation. The PDA can be transformed into a learning tool which can help and teach kids Basic English and Math’s. The size being lightweight the touch screen features is what attracts kids to having a tool similar to this. The multimedia add on to play music and games is a must add on feature.

Market Research - Product 2

An olden style kids learning tool the abacus, from the Greek word abax, meaning "calculating board" or "calculating table". This brightly colored wooden abacus is a great first calculator for kids to learn counting, patterns, colors, and the alphabet!

The toy is not in favour of kids anymore it's wooden like structure one of the main reasons for this, However it is still an effective learning tool. Our Learning tool will be similar to this device's aims, however will be presented in a modern way with the same aim helping kids learn basic numbers and alphabets but by going further helping them to spell words and pronounce words and letters properly

Market Research - Product 1

The magnetic drawing board with a special screen, that allows users to create artistic drawing designs. The 'magic pen' allows kids to draw, scribble and write, while the four magnetized stamps (a triangle, heart, square and circle) add a different dimension to their designs. The pictures magically disappear with a sweep of the eraser.

Kids learn a lot, drawing, writing, and even plays game like tic tac toe on it. However this toy has no sound or light and is losing it's appeal among kids as they see there brothers and sisters with cool mobile phones, they want something similar and their needs are ever changing

Saturday 24 February 2007

Weekly Report 21/02/07

Tasks performed before the meeting:

  • Research done on current market products
  • Research done on issues regarding children designs
  • Evaluation Of Questionnaire Results

Team Meeting
The team meeting was carried out in the project labs today, where all team members were present. The following was carried out:

  • Discussed current market products and analysis done
  • Discussed issues regarding designs
  • Discussed how to approach design phase

Work to be carried out before next meeting:

  • Further Research into products and design considerations for children
  • Start Working on Prototypes

Issues to cover in the next meeting 28 February 2007

  • The progress of the prototype
  • Designing the prototype

Wednesday 21 February 2007

Weekly Report 14/02/07

Tasks performed before the meeting:
  • Sent questionnaire to relatives with young children and gathered data from the questionnaire
  • Produced use cases of the product

Team Meeting
The team meeting was carried out in the project labs today, where all team members were present.The following was carried out:

  • Collated information from the questionnaires and performed statistical analysis on the data.
  • Produced pie charts and bar charts in order to help us make key decisions regarding the product.

Work to be carried out before next meeting:

  • Use the analysed data to help in making key decisions for our product
  • Start working on the prototype either in Ms PowerPoint or using post-it notes
  • Research into products and design considerations for children
Issues to cover in the next meeting 21 February 2007
  • The progress of the prototype
  • Key design issues

Monday 19 February 2007

Key Scenarios

· Use at home during times when carrying out educational work
· During school lunch or break time
· When you want to compete with your friends for example to see who is better at times-table
· During a long journey

Usecase Diagram

Sunday 18 February 2007

Results Analysis

The key findings of the HCI Questionnaire

On Average 51% of children aged 5 spend 1-2 hours a day playing followed by 37% of children who spend between 3-4 hours a day playing. This is mainly because kids above 5 have started primary school education therefore spend little time on play activities

Orange was the favourite colour taking up 20.4% followed by blue and pink join second position. Orange is a warm colour a mixture of red and yellow, the colour is mentally stimulating as well as sociable it is used to get people thinking or to get them talking. Our main product will be in a orange colour.

57% of children do not like Learning. This can be due to the change from staying at home and starting to go school, the change takes some time getting used to. However children struggling to learn basic skills can be a major reason why they dislike

48% of children have one or more learning devices. Half of all children questioned have a learning device. There are learning devices in the market however they do not fulfill the needs of the user . From the data gathered we can tell that parents are willing to buy educational devices for their children as parents are more willing to invest into their child's future.

75% of parents are willing to spend over £50 on a educational device. Educational devices prices vary from £10 - £100+. The data that was gathered clearly shows us what price ranges are acceptable. One of our aims is to make the device available to all and meeting the minimum price range will increase the target audience and ma

Thursday 15 February 2007

Hierarchical Task Analysis

References: EDraw Software Diagrammer (Trail Version)

Wednesday 14 February 2007


After establishing a good understanding of the users with development of the persona's, which gave us a general idea of our target market. However, before focusing on the design of our tool, as to following the User-centered design (UCD) philosophy and a process in which the views and feedback of real users throughout the design process is necessary. Therefore, it seemed beneficial to get the views of our potential users as it would assist us in the design of our tool.

Obviously there are various different methods in collecting data from our potential users, such as interviews, questionnaires, observations, surveys, etc. However, a questionnaire seemed more objective, certainly so than interviews as to collecting sufficient data in a minimal time resource and being quite inexpensive to administer.

The aim of the questionnaire is to collect data from potential users, which can be invaluable in understanding the attitudes and requirements of the diverse user groups as the validity of the results are more reliant on the honesty of the respondent. This giving us a clear idea of what our potential users may want from this new educational tool and how it can be differentiated from those tools people own or that are currently available in the market.

Furthermore, the questionnaire will enable us to get rapid feedback from real users (children and their parents) who would be potential users of the tool. A good approach in making sure that our product has good usability in the market in comparison to the current educational tools.

The main points considered in development of the questionnaire were:

1. Use of factual questions
    • This will help us to know our likely users better, as different users will have different preferences.

2. Use of open ended questions
    • They should start with words such as “Why” and “How“, for instance “How many educational devices do you currently have?”
    • To encourage a full, meaningful answer using the subject's own knowledge and/or feelings
    • The question should lead generally for the person to think analytically and critically about the tool
      • Advantages:
        • Greater freedom of expression to respondent
        • Enable us to see whether we miss out few details about our tool, which might be core to touch a broader audience with it
        • Also, when we ask open-ended questions, children reap great benefits as they think through their responses to express what they want to say. Then with their answers, we find out more about what they think and feel
      • Disadvantages:
        • They can become a bit problematic as we can misinterpret and therefore misclassify a response
        • Time-consuming to answer

3. Use of close ended questions
    • Tend to encourage a short or single-word answer (i.e. “Are you a boy or a girl?”)
    • Lead to a straightforward answer (i.e. Boy/Girl). Further examples include: “Yes/No”, “Don’t know”, “Not Applicable”, etc. Thus, limiting the response.
    • Styles of closed ended questions that will be included in the questionnaire will consist of:
      • Likert-scale: To assess a person's feelings (“Least Satisfied” or “Most Satisfied”)
      • Multiple-choice: Giving the respondent a finite number of options and instructing them to the number of answers to select

We will take all of these points mentioned in consideration for construction of our questionnaire and ensuring that the questions are a combination of factual, open and close ended questions. The questionnaire will be for children and their parents, as parents are the source of income and the purchasers of such tools for their child‘s benefit.

Our questionnaire will have clear headings for child/parent questions and will be short enough to allow people who do not have time to complete a tedious long questionnaire.

Below, our Questionnaire:

Wednesday 7 February 2007

Weekly Report

Supervisor Meeting
Today we met with our supervisor Chris. He was pleased with our progress because we were carrying out the required work while regularly blogging. He said that we should carry out research on our target audience by creating a questionnaire while taking into account the lecture on ‘questionnaire design’ by Dr Russell Beale and then to establish the prototype of the product.

Team Meeting

The team meeting was carried out in the project labs today, where all team members were present.The following was carried out:
  • Established a questionnaire to ask the target audience and their parents. This will allow our team to gather information from the target audience so we can design an effective product

Work to be carried out before next meeting:

  • Navjot to re-write the questionnaire on computer
  • Team members to think of additional questions for the questionnaire, so we can establish qualitative and quantitative data that will aid the design of the product
  • Tehyab to write-up the weekly report
  • To think about issues that will be discussed in the next meeting
Issues to cover in the next meeting 14 February 2007
  • Gathering data from the target audience
  • Prototypes
  • Key use cases and key scenarios

Monday 5 February 2007

Product justification

In our meeting on the 31/1/07 we dicussed ideas of products we wanted to design. After lengthy discussions we came up with three initial ideas.

1. Mobile phones that are specifically designed for young people.
The advantages of creating this product is that the ergonomics of the phone can be designed to aid youngsters. This includes the shape and style of the phone, the colours and grammer of the phone to ensure maximum comfort and ease of use to children. Also particular functions of the phone will be adapted for children. This can include specific childrens games and WAP on mobile phones that enables the use of childrens websites. A disadvantage of this type of product is that children may want 'adult' mobile phones as they are readily available on the market and are constantly updated with more and more features. It would be hard to compete with these types of products. Also during discussions in our meeting we wanted to design a product that will give children or help children in learning life long skills. We wanted to design an educational product that will benefit their basic reading, writing and arithmetic. We felt that this product did not fit that purpose.

2. Our second idea was to design a website which would act as an educational tool to young children. This website would have multipurpose games to teach children basic skills. This again would be appealing to children by using a good colour scheme and language that is easy to understand. The interactive games would keep children entertained whilst learning key skills. The disadvantage of this product is that since its a website, children will have the opportunity to go on other websites and play games. Similar websites may already be on the market that are not very successful.

3. The third idea was to have an all in one educational device. This would be a hand held device that contains all types of games to help a childs reading, writing and arithmetic. It would have games to help them with their spelling and numeracy. This educational device will contain a famous cartoon character who the children can compete against. This will ensure the games are competitive whilst providing children with fundamental skills. The device will be affordable for the parents to give to their children. We wanted to be innovative and create an innovative idea. There is no real product like this in the market.

After this process we decided to choose the third idea as it was an innovative product that provided the essential skills that the children can learn. The children can play this educational device and will hopefully learn skills that willl benefit them in education and in the future. This tool will be designed to improve their knowledge and grades at school whilst learning essential life skills.

Persona 5 - Sarah Collins

Sarah Collins
Fast tracking schooler, age 6

Sarah is a lively child She enjoys her time at school. Her parents closely monitor what toys she plays with and want to encourage the use of educational toys.


Sarah is the only child in her family; her family consists of her mother, father and aunt. As Sarah is the only child she gets a lot of attention and help from her family.

Computer Literacy:

At such a young age Sarah is not expected to be computer literate however she can load a pc and play educational games on a cd- rom with help from her aunt

Web & Technology

Sarah uses the internet to play online educational games but under her aunt’s supervision

Favourite sites

cbeebies games,, Disney games online


Sarah likes drawing and artistic designs which she makes on her small drawing book.

Sarah enjoys singing and plays with her toy piano at weekends. She likes to play with her Barbie doll, Toy Cleaning Kits, and enjoys reading books and playing puzzles.

Hours spent on hobbies: This varies but on average it is two hours per day and 6 hours on the weekend.


I enjoy watching TV and playing with characters of my favourite shows like Barbie and tweenies.

I want a mobile like my aunt so I can also play games o the phone.


Sarah would like to grow up and become a Lawyer like her father

Sarah’s short term goals include her convincing her parents to buy her a phone like her aunt with the Barbie case.


I enjoy company and do not like playing alone.

I want to be entertained.

I want learning games that are challenging, which change at each level and have good colour schemes, lights and sound in them.

I want to see pictures of cartoon characters.


“I want to grow up and be a lawyer like my father and clever as my aunt”.


Although Sarah is the main users of the product she cannot be expected to buy the product at this age therefore her parents mainly purchase the educational tools that they find interesting for her to use.

Attitude: An average child when it comes to learning. Sarah likes activities in groups and not lonesome games, gets bored easily needs to be centre of attention. Sarah is often forgetful and can’t remember where she places her belongings.

A day in the Life

A typical day for Sarah and her family involves:

7.30 am - Her father gets up and dresses p to go work

8.00 am - Her mother and aunt gets up and prepares everyone breakfast

8.15 am - The family have breakfast together, which usually includes selection of cereals, biscuits, cakes, toasts and fresh fruits.

8.30 am - Sarah walks it to her local school with her aunt.

9.00 am - Sarah’s dad sets of to work,

12.00 noon - Sarah would have his school dinners, she loves pizza and chips.

3.30 pm - Sarah's mother collects her from school by van.

4.00 pm - On the way home Sarah stops at the local park and plays on the swing before she continues her journey home.

5.00 pm - On a typical day Sarah’s dad would get home around 6.00 and mom will start preparing the dinner

5.15pm - Sarah will start to colour in her colouring book or play with her Barbie doll

6.00 pm - The family will sit together and have dinner and talk about their day

7.30 pm - Sarah has a toy cleaning (brush, mop etc) kit, which she plays with while her aunt does the washing.

8.30 pm - Sarah goes to bed, before going to bed she plays a game on her aunt’s phone and her aunt read her a small story

9.00 pm - The parents may sit around and watch TV and spend some quality time together, while the grandparents head off to bed as well.

10.00 pm - The parents go to bed after a long tiring day

Picture source

Persona 4 - John Smith

John Smith


Age 10

John Smith, ten-years-old. He is currently in year 6 at school and is the only child in his family. He is angry and frustrated with life due to problems in his family.


His father and mother are divorced due to the father’s alcoholic problems and he now lives alone with his mother. Since his mother is out working as a cleaner trying to support the family, John has become more independent.

He is impatient or angry and is frustrated with the situation regarding his parents. He blames the divorce on himself and is likely to have tantrums or vent his anger.

Computer Literacy:

John’s level of computer experience is average, as he knows his basics pretty well.

John likes to use technology such as his PlayStation. He knows how to use the Computer and use simple applications such as Microsoft Word and Paint.

Favourite games:

Mortal Kombat,

Grand Theft Auto,

The Godfather



Computer games as they are interesting, imaginative and keep him entertained.

He is a good Rugby player using his physical prowess

General Interests

Computer games, Rap music, Rugby


John has been truant for a lot of his lessons. He has a poor academic record as well as a poor attendance record. In his end of year report, teachers made statements such as “He doesn’t listen to teachers and he does not try hard enough”. However there is potential with John particularly in the field of Sports. He is a good Rugby player using his physical prowess. He hates English and mathematics at school because they are boring subjects. He would prefer to work in a lesson where there is more imagination and innovation instead of teachers just writing on a blackboard.


John has no clear goals and just wants to make mischief. His idol is Eminem and he would like to be like him.


He would prefer to work in a lesson where there is more imagination and innovation instead of teachers just writing on a blackboard.


“Get out of my way!”

“I’m Stronger than you”

“Shut up!”


John has been truant for a lot of his lessons. He has a poor academic record as well as a poor attendance record. In his end of year report, teachers made statements such as “He doesn’t listen to teachers and he does not try hard enough”. However there is potential with John particularly in the field of Sports. He is a good Rugby player using his physical prowess. He hates English and mathematics at school because they are boring subjects.

A day in the Life

A typical day for George and his family involves:

8.00 am – John’s Mother wakes him up to get ready for school at 8.30

8.15 am – John is still in bed and tells his mother to go away, his mother shouts at him and then he gets up and quickly prepares to go to school

8.30 am – John’s mother drops John on her way to work, she waits outside the school gates until John has gone inside to ensure he is not being truant.

9.00 am – John’s mother attends work as a cleaner at the factory

10.00 am - He is bored during the mathematics lesson and doesn’t bother paying any attention.

12.00 noon – John has his school dinner he loves cheese burger and chips. After he has eaten he starts to pick on an intelligent student called Arthur.

1.15 pm - During English he pulls a prank on the student ahead of him in order to cause


2.00 pm - After lunch he has a science lesson, which he answers back to the teacher and sent to the principals office. After being addressed by the principal he returns to the science class and doesn’t pay attention to the rest of the lecture

3.30 pm – School finishes and he hangs around with his mates Mickey and Kevin. They play ‘knock-door-run’ as well as causing disruption amongst the neighbourhood by throwing stones.

6.00 pm – He returns home where he plays his Playstation games such as Mortal Kombat.

8.30 pm – His mother returns home from her long day of work and is shattered. She quickly makes lasagne for dinner, which she and John eat.

9.00 pm – John decides to watch TV after eating his dinner

10.00pm – John’s mother goes bed after a long tiring day

11.30pm – John decides to go bed

Persona 3 - George Tyler

George Tyler


Fast tracking pre-schooler, age 5

George, five-years-old, is a very active child. He loves pre-school and is one of the most popular kids in his class. His parents closely monitor what toys he plays with and want to encourage the use of educational toys.


George's family is big, his mom a housewife, dad owns an I.T company, one older brother currently a high school student, a baby brother and sister and two grandparents.

They are an active family and spend time together both playing and learning.

Computer Literacy:

Gorge’s level of computer experience is average, as he knows his basics pretty well.

Web & Technology

He is not allowed to use the Internet more than three hours/week and is always supervised.

Favourite sites

cbeebies games,, Disney games online



Football, playing on the computer and playing with friends

General Interests

Computer games, music, dinosaurs, cars, books, puzzles and fun activities that keep occupied


I enjoy the watching TV and enjoy playing with characters of my favourite shows.

I want a toy I saw in a commercial or my big brother has so I can look as cool as him.


I want to show my parents the specific toy that I am interested in and I want them to buy that toy for me.


I want to be entertained.

I want learning games that challenge me, move quickly, and have a good colour scheme and noises in them.

I want to see pictures of cartoon characters.

I want to be the winner and beat my friend’s scores.


“I want to have fun while learning”.


George is the initial user of the product, however, we also need to design according to the secondary audience, the parents nut never against the needs of the primary user. As his parents closely monitor what toys he plays with and they encourage their child to use educational toys. The parents want a product that is of good quality, most importantly “a simple fun learning tool that will motivate their child to learn and educate him”.

A day in the Life

A typical day for George and his family involves:

7.30 am – His mother gets up and prepares everyone breakfast

8.00 am – Rest of the family get up and get ready for school and work

8.15 am – The family has a healthy breakfast together, which usually includes selection of cereals, toasts and fresh fruits.

8.30 am – George’s dad on his way to work would drive him to pre-school and his older brother to high-school near their home.

9.00 am – George’s dad gets to work, while his mom stays home to look after his younger brother and sister.

12.00 noon – George would have his school dinners, he loves mashed potatoes and chips.

3.30 pm – George and his brother get picked up from school, either by their mom or their dad depending on what time his dad finishes at work.

4.00 pm – The children get changed and may have some snacks before they do some homework.

5.00 pm – On a typical day George’s dad would get home around 5.30 and mom will start preparing the dinner. Their dad may ask about the boy’s day at school and about their work.

6.00 pm – George and his older brother would help their mom set the table and the family will gather at the table to have their dinner.

7.00 pm – The boys are allowed to go on the internet for a couple of hours. George is only allowed under the supervision of his older brother. Kids play various games on the internet, interactive games, and board games in which the whole family may part take. They may even watch TV for a few minutes.

8.30 pm – The kids are taken to bed by the mom. George’s mom reads stories to his little brother and sister, while George and his older brother get ready for bed. Mom checks on the boys and George may be asked to go over a times table or the alphabet before he goes to sleep.

9.00 pm – The parents may sit around and watch TV and spend some quality time together, while the grandparents head off to bed as well.

10.00 pm – The parents go to bed after a long tiring day.

Picture reference:

Persona 2 - John Anderson

John Anderson


Fast tracking kid, age 7

John is your average seven year old child. He enjoys his time at school. Her parents closely monitor what toys she plays with and want to encourage the use of educational toys.


John has one small sister and lives with his parents. His Father is a Doctor and his mother is a Housewife.

They are an active family and spend time together both playing and learning.

Computer Literacy:

At such a young age John is not expected to be computer literate however john can load a PC and play use the paint application to draw and colour in

Web & Technology

John uses the Internet to play online educational games but only when his mother is around

Favourite sites

Cbeebies games,,

Sky Gamestar, Lego land

Disney games online

Interests: John’s hobbies outside school include playing with his bike, when the weather is warm; when it’s cold he likes playing the games on Cbeebies and Sky Gamestar John enjoys playing Lego with his small sister and enjoys building cars At weekends he plays football with his neighbours..

Hours spent on hobbies: This varies but on average it is two hours per day and 6 hours on the weekend.


I enjoy watching TV and playing with characters of my favourite shows like Power Rangers, Bob the Builder, Spiderman. His favourite superhero is Fireman Sam

I want a PSP like my uncle so I can also play games.


John would like to grow up and become a doctor like his father


I enjoy company and do not like playing alone.

I want to be entertained.

I want learning games that are challenging, which change at each level and have good colour schemes, lights and sound in them.

I want to see pictures of cartoon characters.


“I want to grow up and be a doctor like my father”


No funds parent’s funded toys and learning material.

Attitude: John likes one or two toys but may lose interest after a short while, short memory often forgetful where he placed his toys. Cannot solve problems gets help when he experiences difficulties or finds alternative.

A Day In The Life John

A typical day for John and his family involves:

7.30 am - His father gets up and dresses up to go work

8.00 am - John's mother gets up and prepares everyone breakfast

8.15 am - The family have breakfast together, which usually includes selection of cereals, biscuits, cakes, toasts and fresh fruits.

8.30 am - John gets a lift to his school by his mother

9.00 am -
John 's dad sets of to work

12.00 noon - John would have his school dinners, he loves fishcake and chips.

3.30 pm - John's father collects him from school and they go to the shop to get basic food essentials

4.00 pm - John reaches home and then plays with his small sister

5.00 pm - John's mother starts preparing the dinner

5.15pm - John will start to colour in his colouring book with his small sister

6.00 pm - John will go on sky and play the sky gamestar games.

6.30 pm - John's family will have lunch and discus their daily life

7.30 pm - John starts to play lego and builds cars

8.30 pm - John goes to bed, before going to bed he listens to a bedtime story.

9.00 pm - The parents may sit around and watch TV and spend some quality time together

10.00 pm - The parents go to bed after a long tiring day

Picture source

Friday 2 February 2007

Persona 1 - Timothy Jones

Name: Timothy Jones

Sex: Male

Age: 11

Tim is a polite and ambitious young man who enjoys going out with his family and socialising with his friends. He started secondary school last September the school has kept him busy with regular homework.


Eldest son has two younger brothers and one sister. Lives with parents. He’s very close to his father they regularly go bike riding and to get the weekly groceries at their local Asda branch.

Computer Literacy:

Tim’s level of computer knowledge and experience is basic however it is developing as he has regular IT lessons at school.

Web & Technology

Due to security concerns his parents have limited the use of the Internet. Using the web for homework and visiting other educational websites are only permitted under supervision by his parents.

Favourite sites

Revisewise, CBeebies and Yahooligan's.

He enjoys the activities on Revisewise, as they are challenging and the website is colourful therefore helps maintain is concentration. He believes the website has allowed him to work well at school by answering questions asked by the teacher in lessons and doing the homework’s with minimum help from his parents



· Football with friends

· Bike riding with his father.

· Reading car magazines such as Autopoint

· Playing games on his PSP


His role models are his parents who are the motivation for him to succeed and have the success he dreams of.


To be successful. He realises that this can only be achieved via effective education. His parents naturally want him to be successful and regularly purchase the latest educational toys/games, which they believe will improve his performance at school.

Tim’s requirements from toys:

· To be colourful

· Entertaining

· Games to be quick to load

· Challenging

· Visualisation: toys which make use of less text as possible but more use icons

· Minimum weight

· Portable

· Durable

· Reliable, they don’t freeze but work as they are required too.

· Helps gain advantage at school


“be successful”


From this persona it can be established that there are a few points that need to be considered during prototyping. We must take these to the drawing board.

A Day in the Life

A typical day for Tim and his family involves:

6:15am- Tim’s father is awake

7:00: Father leaves home for work

7:00 am – His mother wakes up and prepares everyone breakfast

7:30am- Mother goes upstairs to wake the children

7:35-7:45: Tim gets out of bed washes his face and teeth and goes downstairs for breakfast.

8:0am – The family complete their traditional English breakfast and go back to their bedrooms to get dressed for school

8:25 am – The children are back downstairs to leave home. As the school is local they walk to school.

9:00: Tim, his brothers and sisters start school

9.00: Mother starts all housework such as the ironing and washing up

11.40- Mother prepares the children’s lunch, which is fish fingers and fishcakes with beans.

12.15pm – Tim, his brothers and sisters arrive home for lunch

12:45 - They leave home for school

3.15 pm – End of school day. They walk home with their friends after a long and hardworking day at school

3:40-4:00 pm – They arrive home get changed into their normal clothes

4.00 –5:00pm – Watch Cbeebies, they enjoy watching ‘Chuckle Vision’ which is the favourite programme.

5:15-Father arrives home from work

5:30-6:45 - The children carryout their homework with the guidance from their parents

6:45-7 pm – The dinning table is prepared for the family to have dinner. This is carried out the mother.

7:00pm-Dinner time, the family have a dinner together on a large dining table.

7:30pm-8: Dinner is finished and the family help cleanup the table and wash-up the dishes.

8:00 - The family have a talk on what each other did that day. This allows the family to share their problems and be successful in resoling them.

8:30 - The children get changed into nightwear.

8:45 - The children tucked into bed by their mother and they are ready to go to sleep

9:00approx-They are asleep

9-10 -Parents talk to each other over a TV programme

10:15: Parents go to sleep