Monday 26 March 2007

Heuristic Evaluation

1. Feedback:

The educational device displays results of activities that have been undertaken by the users. These feedbacks allow communication with the user of what is happening so they can ensure effective use of the device

2. Language:

The device makes use of simple language as the product is aimed at children we have taken into consideration that their range of vocabulary is limited.

3. Undo:

if the user enters an incorrect entry to questions they have are able to undo their inputs to an alternative.

4. Consistency:

When users decide that they want to go back to the main menu, the route of transferral is consistent from all activities.

5. Recognition:

The use of icons has allowed easy recognition of the functions each icons represents.

6. Simple:

The use of large features such as LCD touch screens, buttons and no clutter of unnecessary information have allowed the effectiveness of the product by integrating simplicity to the design.

7. Expert Use:

Short cut keys have been integrated to our design to allow quick and easy access to functions of the device. This increases usability of the device.

8. Error Recovery:

Error messages have allowed the device to be efficient in solving problems for the user. For example if a user accidentally presses ‘stop second player’ there is a confirmation message that appears to ensure the request was genuine.

9. Documentation:

This is short, precise and accessed when requested.

1 comment:

Navjot Kaur said...

Title of the post should be "Heuristic Evaluation and not "Evaluation: Heuristic Evaluation.""