Monday 26 March 2007

Cognitive walkthrough

This will allow selected aspects of the final prototype to be evaluated in terms of usability.

The task: Participate in maths activity
Actions Required:
1. Select ‘Maths’ from main menu
2. Select level
3. Start activity
4. Complete activity
5. Check Score

Searching for a subject that you wish to participate in is very simple. This is allowed by the large and clear icons that represent functionality

Selecting levels are carried out without difficulty, however it is difficult to establish whether a particular level is the right for the user, this is only established when the user has accessed the activity and may then go back and change level as it is to basic or difficult for him.

The whole process of carrying out the activity is well communicated in terms of how many questions you have taken and are going to take to complete the activity. Once the activity has been completed the score is shown automatically without delay. This increases the efficiency of the product.

The Task: Play with second player
Actions Required: Select multi-player connectivity from main menu
Select second player connectivity
Play activity
Get scores

The user friendly navigation of the device allows easy acknowledgment of
How to connect to a second user. Starting the activity is made simple with wizard, which guides you to the second player and the starting of the game. Once the game is complete your scores are show automatically.

The Task: Change Appearance
Actions Required: Select Appearance from the main menu
Choose colour
Select colour
Press OK

The change of appearance may have been improved further by changing the label. ‘Appearance’ from the main menu. This label may mean anything to a to do with appearance and not necessary the changing of the device colour scheme. The functionality in general is carried out efficiently it allows the device to appeal to are larger market audience as every body have different colour choice.

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