Friday 9 March 2007

Chosen Prototype

Chosen Prototype

We have chosen prototype three as our final product choice as we believe it meets all our user requirements. Its shortcut feature aids usability and efficiency in making effective use of the functions that are available on the device. The bright colour scheme will be appealing to its young audience. As established from our persona’s bright colours help maintain the concentration and increasing the effectiveness of the product that we propose. The use of lithium-on battery will eradicate the burden of purchasing new batteries. With the AC power point the battery will be chargeable every time the battery is low or has run out. Headphone port will allow privacy for the user who could make use of the device without causing disturbance to other people who maybe close by. LCD touch screens have become very popular in recent years this is due to fact people do not enjoy pressing buttons and prefer touching screens to carry out functions of their choice. From our persona’s it was clear that they preferred touch screens then buttons as they seemed more excited to use them then pressing awkward buttons.

This prototype will be given to our persona’s who will comment back to us in regards to the usability of functions of the prototype. From the comments the prototype will be redesign to solve the problems that the personas have stated.

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