Friday 23 March 2007

Games Design Justification

When designing the games the following was taken into account

Sweetness is an adult concept of what kids should enjoy
Humor and good character development are important ingredients when designing the games and what games will be on the product

To keep the kids entertained the mentality of not preaching, not lecturing and talking down which will help keep the kids entertained and help them learn the most workable way this way the kids will not lose interest

The themes that will be used in the product will be real life to keep the kids amused and this kind of serious approach will be the best approach

Kids are good at figuring things out, we need to be clear when we explain things to kids not including additional material using a few words as possible and making sure to use spoken words to explain things better.

The personas and there parents where questioned on what games they like and which games shall we include in the final product and which one's to remove. Personas feedback has enabled us to make changes to our design and content however, one of the problems with involving children, particularly with the design of educational software, is that children can’t discuss learning goals that they have not yet reached themselves.

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