Friday 2 March 2007

persona 2 - John Anderson Questionnaire

1* Child: How old are you?


2* Child: Are you a boy or a girl?


3 Child: Education:

Primary School

4* Child: During the week, how many hours per day do you usually spend on activities (i.e. watching TV, playing on the computer, playing with your toys, playing sports, etc.)

1-2 hours a day

5* Child: What is your favourite cartoon character?


6* Child: What is your favourite colour?


7* Child: Do you enjoy learning? If no, please state why not?


8* Child: Which subject do you dislike most and why?

Spelling - I find it difficult

9* Child: How many educational devices do you currently have?


10* Child: What do you like about your current educational device(s)?

There are a lot of different games

11* Child: Which games do you like to play the most and why?

Super Mario - It has lots of different games

12* Parent: Do you consider the educational device(s) a valuable tool for your child's learning?

Yes if it helps John on his spelling

13* Parent: How much are you willing to spend on a educational device for your child?

£30 - £40

14* Parent: Are you satisfied with the current educational device(s) your child uses? Give Reason
(1=Least satisfied,5=Most satisfied)


15 Parent: Please add any further thoughts of your own below:

John needs to improve his spelling, hopefully the new educational tool will focus on spelling

16 Person filling out the questionnaire, please state your relationship to the child (Parent, Grandparent, legal Guardian, etc.)


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