Wednesday 28 March 2007


User Centered design process was followed in order to develop the all-in one educational devise for age group of 11 and under. Lectures by Dr Beale and our supervisors gave us guidance in the direction that should be followed in order to complete the project.

The project involved regular communication between team members, supervisors and our persona’s. This was carried out so we could complete a successful project.

Our persona’s played a pivotal role in establishing the requirements and identifying problems with our prototype. We established three prototypes, all which catered for the idea of an educational device. However they had different characteristics in terms of colour, size of the devices and the location of buttons.

Our chosen prototype was ‘prototype3’. We had then presented this to our personas who identified problems with the device. These problems were rectified and the final prototype was evaluated using heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthrough. The result was positive.

We had completed a successful project implementing user centered design process and developed a product that was effective and efficient in delivery the user requirements.

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