Thursday 29 March 2007

Learning Outcomes

Here all the links for all the learning outcomes

Brainstorming -

Target Audience -

Secondary Audience -

Questionnaire -

Hierarchical task analysis -

Design Principles -

Heuristic Evaluation -

Cognitive Walkthrough -

Brainstorming -

Persona 1 -

Persona 2 -

Persona 3 -

Persona 4 -

persona 5 -

Questionnaire -

Hierarchical Task analysis -

Results Analysis -

Use case diagram -

Market Research1 -

Market Research 2 -

Market Research 3 -

Market research 4 -

Market research 5 -

questionnaire 1 -

questionnaire 2 -

questionnaire 3 -

questionnaire 4 -

questionnaire 5 -

feedback questionnaire -


Evaluation1 -

final design -
prototype 1 -
prototytpe 2 -
prototype 3 -

Wednesday 28 March 2007


User Centered design process was followed in order to develop the all-in one educational devise for age group of 11 and under. Lectures by Dr Beale and our supervisors gave us guidance in the direction that should be followed in order to complete the project.

The project involved regular communication between team members, supervisors and our persona’s. This was carried out so we could complete a successful project.

Our persona’s played a pivotal role in establishing the requirements and identifying problems with our prototype. We established three prototypes, all which catered for the idea of an educational device. However they had different characteristics in terms of colour, size of the devices and the location of buttons.

Our chosen prototype was ‘prototype3’. We had then presented this to our personas who identified problems with the device. These problems were rectified and the final prototype was evaluated using heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthrough. The result was positive.

We had completed a successful project implementing user centered design process and developed a product that was effective and efficient in delivery the user requirements.

Monday 26 March 2007

Cognitive walkthrough

This will allow selected aspects of the final prototype to be evaluated in terms of usability.

The task: Participate in maths activity
Actions Required:
1. Select ‘Maths’ from main menu
2. Select level
3. Start activity
4. Complete activity
5. Check Score

Searching for a subject that you wish to participate in is very simple. This is allowed by the large and clear icons that represent functionality

Selecting levels are carried out without difficulty, however it is difficult to establish whether a particular level is the right for the user, this is only established when the user has accessed the activity and may then go back and change level as it is to basic or difficult for him.

The whole process of carrying out the activity is well communicated in terms of how many questions you have taken and are going to take to complete the activity. Once the activity has been completed the score is shown automatically without delay. This increases the efficiency of the product.

The Task: Play with second player
Actions Required: Select multi-player connectivity from main menu
Select second player connectivity
Play activity
Get scores

The user friendly navigation of the device allows easy acknowledgment of
How to connect to a second user. Starting the activity is made simple with wizard, which guides you to the second player and the starting of the game. Once the game is complete your scores are show automatically.

The Task: Change Appearance
Actions Required: Select Appearance from the main menu
Choose colour
Select colour
Press OK

The change of appearance may have been improved further by changing the label. ‘Appearance’ from the main menu. This label may mean anything to a to do with appearance and not necessary the changing of the device colour scheme. The functionality in general is carried out efficiently it allows the device to appeal to are larger market audience as every body have different colour choice.

Heuristic Evaluation

1. Feedback:

The educational device displays results of activities that have been undertaken by the users. These feedbacks allow communication with the user of what is happening so they can ensure effective use of the device

2. Language:

The device makes use of simple language as the product is aimed at children we have taken into consideration that their range of vocabulary is limited.

3. Undo:

if the user enters an incorrect entry to questions they have are able to undo their inputs to an alternative.

4. Consistency:

When users decide that they want to go back to the main menu, the route of transferral is consistent from all activities.

5. Recognition:

The use of icons has allowed easy recognition of the functions each icons represents.

6. Simple:

The use of large features such as LCD touch screens, buttons and no clutter of unnecessary information have allowed the effectiveness of the product by integrating simplicity to the design.

7. Expert Use:

Short cut keys have been integrated to our design to allow quick and easy access to functions of the device. This increases usability of the device.

8. Error Recovery:

Error messages have allowed the device to be efficient in solving problems for the user. For example if a user accidentally presses ‘stop second player’ there is a confirmation message that appears to ensure the request was genuine.

9. Documentation:

This is short, precise and accessed when requested.

Sunday 25 March 2007

Final Design Analysis

Finally we are able to present our final design. The final design had many changes from the previous design (prototype 2) the feedback gained from personas and testing has enabled us to make the following changes

The Removal of the sliding touch pad has enabled us to change the design. The pad was removed because of perosna 2 accidentally breaking the pad. The pad was weak in design and not as secure as the rest of the features it could not survive the small knock abouts that are given to it by kids. Under careful consideration it was decided best that we do not adapt the sliding touch pad component this has enabled us to change the design and make the shape look and fell allot better than the previous prototype 2.

The USB and memory slot ports have been removed from the bottom of the panel and put on the right hand side of the panel this has made it easier for persona 5 whom complained about the wires affecting his performance and disliking the product because of this

The buttons have been changed the wireless on and off button has been added to let the user choose when to he uses the wireless and when not this was mainly done to avoid confusion with the on and off button and to save power.

The final design has been made waterproof persona 4 managed to wet the screen and it was not the best outcome the device started to have unimaginable outcomes, however this has now been amended and the device is not only waterproof but is shatterproof also

The screen has been enlarged due to the layout being changed which has enabled us to make the keyboard 1 cm bigger than before this was mainly done on the outcome of the results from the prototype questionnaire.

Prototype Specification

Dimension: 180mmx84mmx20mm
Reason: A size that will help sufficient to display all features of the devices without the needing to scroll, which decreases usability.

Power: Built in Lithium-ion battery
Reason: This will allow sufficient supply of power for the usage of the device. As they are long lasting and rechargeable they would be preferable by the end users.

Wireless Internet Connectivity:
Reason: The wireless feature allows the user to connect to the internet and compete with their friends over the net

AC Port
Reason: The charging of the battery when it reaches its low level point of power supply.

Built-in-headphones port
Reason: To allow users to connect their headphones so they can listen privately without disturbing others around them.

Built in speakers

USB Port
Reason: This will be used to import new sounds and games from external sources such the Internet. Allowing this will encourage the users to continue using the device as they will not get bored.

4.7 inch 17:5 widescreen LCD touch screen
Reason: This screen will allow the clear visualisation of the activities on screen. This will aid usability, as the instructions of how to play activities will be clear. The touch screen will aid usability in terms of accessing activities with ease and not pressing awkward buttons which persona's do not prefer.

Memory card port
Reason: To store new sounds and games which may interest the user.

Reason: To allow the entry of text and numbers to the device when participating in activities.

Game Controls
Reason: To navigate through the activities which the users may choose to participate in.

Short-cut keys
Reason: This will aid navigation and improve usability by accessing functions of the device more quickly and efficiently. This feature was requested by our persona's to minimise boredom.

Saturday 24 March 2007

Persona's Feedback on Prototype 2

The feedback from personas is shown below regarding the design there is room for improvement yet.


Timonthy Jones
" It looks cool I would like a paint feature on it though"

Persona 2

John Anderson
"The product is good but i don't like it because the shape is awkward it stick's out on the left

Persona 3

George Tyler
" It's something new i like it"

Persnona 4

John Smith
"It's great however i don't like the colour "

Persona 5

Sarah Collins
"The product is good but the usb and memory slot come in my way"

Menu Design

English :

This option takes the user to the alphabet games, help to aid the child’s learning in English literature. The games consistent of letter recognition, matching the letters with the objects, fill in the blanks, I Spy, scrabble – joining the letter to make up a word.

Allow the user to select a level, these multi-levels of difficulty to challenge the child’s learning and adaptation.

Maths :

This option takes the user to the number games consistent of basic mathematic problems to help with their learning (e.g. number recognition, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)

Also have the multi-levels of difficulty to challenge the child’s learning and adaptation.

Multiplayer connectivity :

Allows the user to connect to other similar devices to make a competitive gaming tool, as they can compete with other users, such as their friends who may own the same device, family members, etc.

Home screen :

Takes the user back to the main screen, ‘Home’ screen of the device.

Appearances :

Gives the user options to change the appearance of the gaming device, such as colour scheme, layout, noises, etc.

Characters :

Allows the user to select his/her favourite cartoon character(s).

Web connectivity :

Option which will allow the users to connect to the web via a wireless connection to download latest educational games to keep up-to-date with the games available (constraints will be applied in terms of what types of games they can and cannot download).

Paint Add - On

After Feedback from our personas we decided to add a paint feature to the games and activities list

Friday 23 March 2007

Games Design Justification

When designing the games the following was taken into account

Sweetness is an adult concept of what kids should enjoy
Humor and good character development are important ingredients when designing the games and what games will be on the product

To keep the kids entertained the mentality of not preaching, not lecturing and talking down which will help keep the kids entertained and help them learn the most workable way this way the kids will not lose interest

The themes that will be used in the product will be real life to keep the kids amused and this kind of serious approach will be the best approach

Kids are good at figuring things out, we need to be clear when we explain things to kids not including additional material using a few words as possible and making sure to use spoken words to explain things better.

The personas and there parents where questioned on what games they like and which games shall we include in the final product and which one's to remove. Personas feedback has enabled us to make changes to our design and content however, one of the problems with involving children, particularly with the design of educational software, is that children can’t discuss learning goals that they have not yet reached themselves.

Wednesday 21 March 2007

3D Word Finder

This game is for children with level one ability. This game involves the child matching 3D letters with the word combinations.

Word Cube

This game is for children with level 2 ability. This involves the child clicking on squares and creating words from the surrounding squares

Bugs bunny spelling game

This game is for students that have ability of level 1. This game involves the child filling in the gaps

Chatter Blox game

This is game for children with level one ability. This involves the child creating words from the squares.

Spelling Find Word Games

This game is for students that have ability level 2. This game involves finding words from the block of letters

Maths Scrabble

This game is for students with level 3 ability. It's maths scrabble game.

Maths - identifying patterns

This game is for children with level 1 ability. This game involves the child identifying mathematical patterns.

Mathematics Multiplication Game

This game is for children with ability level 2. This is maths multiplication where you can display cartoon characters to do mathematics

Mathematics Tetris Game

This game is for students with level 3 ability
The aim is to get the right answer / equation to solve the question and clear the block of boxes row

Spelling Game

This game is for students with the ability of level 1
The basic idea is that you fill in the blanks and once you have finished the tom and jerry tune comes on

Saturday 10 March 2007

Team Meeting Report 07/03/07

Tasks performed before the meeting:

  • Amendments made to the designs

Team Meeting
The team meeting was carried out in the project labs today, where all team members were present. The following was carried out:

  • Discussed the design changes
  • Made the designs using PowerPoint and paint

Work to be carried out before next meeting:

  • Justifying the reasons behind product
  • Ask Personas directly what they think of the product

Issues to cover in the next meeting 14 March 2007

  • Feedback from Personas
  • Minor changes to design

Friday 9 March 2007

Chosen Prototype

Chosen Prototype

We have chosen prototype three as our final product choice as we believe it meets all our user requirements. Its shortcut feature aids usability and efficiency in making effective use of the functions that are available on the device. The bright colour scheme will be appealing to its young audience. As established from our persona’s bright colours help maintain the concentration and increasing the effectiveness of the product that we propose. The use of lithium-on battery will eradicate the burden of purchasing new batteries. With the AC power point the battery will be chargeable every time the battery is low or has run out. Headphone port will allow privacy for the user who could make use of the device without causing disturbance to other people who maybe close by. LCD touch screens have become very popular in recent years this is due to fact people do not enjoy pressing buttons and prefer touching screens to carry out functions of their choice. From our persona’s it was clear that they preferred touch screens then buttons as they seemed more excited to use them then pressing awkward buttons.

This prototype will be given to our persona’s who will comment back to us in regards to the usability of functions of the prototype. From the comments the prototype will be redesign to solve the problems that the personas have stated.

Prototype 3

Prototype Specification

Dimension: 170mmx74mmx23mm
Reason: A size that will help sufficient to display all features of the devices without the needing to scroll, which decreases usability.

Power: Built in Lithium-ion battery
Reason: This will allow sufficient supply of power for the usage of the device. As they are long lasting and rechargeable they would be preferable by the end users.

AC Port
Reason: The charging of the battery when it reaches its low level point of power supply.

Built-in-headphones port
Reason: To allow users to connect their headphones so they can listen privately without disturbing others around them.

Built in speakers

USB Port
Reason: This will be used to import new sounds and games from external sources such the Internet. Allowing this will encourage the users to continue using the device as they will not get bored.

4.6 inch 17:4 widescreen LCD touch screen
Reason: This screen will allow the clear visualisation of the activities on screen. This will aid usability, as the instructions of how to play activities will be clear. The touch screen will aid usability in terms of accessing activities with ease and not pressing awkward buttons which persona's do not prefer.

Memory card port
Reason: To store new sounds and games which may interest the user.

Reason: To allow the entry of text and numbers to the device when participating in activities.

Game Controls
Reason: To navigate through the activities which the users may choose to participate in.

Short-cut keys
Reason: This will aid navigation and improve usability by accessing functions of the device more quickly and efficiently. This feature was requested by our persona's to minimise boredom.

Prototype 2

Prototype Specification

Dimension: 180mmx85mmx30mm
Reason: A size that will help sufficient to display all features of the devices without the needing to scroll, which decreases usability.

Power: Built in Lithium-ion battery
Reason: This will allow sufficient supply of power for the usage of the device. As they are long lasting and rechargeable they would be preferable by the end users.

AC Port
Reason: The charging of the battery when it reaches its low level point of power supply.

Built-in-headphones port
Reason: To allow users to connect their headphones so they can listen privately without disturbing others around them.

Built in speakers

USB Port
Reason: This will be used to import new sounds and games from external sources such the Internet. Allowing this will encourage the users to continue using and minimising boredom of the device.

6 inch 19:6widescreen LCD touch screen
Reason: This screen will allow the clear visualisation of the activities on screen. This will aid usability, as the instructions of how to play activities will be clear. The touch screen will aid usability in terms of accessing activities with ease and not pressing awkward buttons which persona's do not prefer.

Memory card port
Reason: To store new sounds and games which may interest the user.

Reason: To allow the entry of text and numbers to the device when participating in activities.

Game Controls
Reason: To navigate through the activities which the users may choose to participate in.

Short-cut keys:
Reason: This will aid navigation and improve usability by accessing functions of the device more quickly and efficiently. This feature was requested by our persona's.

Thursday 8 March 2007

Prototype 1

Prototype Specification

Dimension: 250mmx95mmx30mm
Reason: A size that will help display all features of the devices without the needing to scroll, which decreases usability.

Power: AA batteries x3
Reason: This will allow sufficient supply of power for the usage of the device. These types of batteries are also very easy to find in local shops; therefore they would be preferable by the users.

Built-in-headphones port
Reason: To allow users to connect their headphones so they can listen privately without disturbing others around them.

Built in speakers

USB Port
Reason: This will be used to import new sounds and games from external sources such the Internet. Allowing this will encourage the users to continue using the device as they will not get bored.

5 inch 18widescreen TFT screen
Reason: TFT screen will allow the clear visualisation of the activities on screen. This will aid usability, as the instructions of how to play activities will be clear.

Memory card port
Reason: To store new sounds and games which may interest the user.

Reason: To allow the entry of text and numbers to the device when participating in activities.

Game Controls
Reason: To navigate through the activities which the users may choose to participate in.

Monday 5 March 2007

Design Principles

From our research comprising of questionnaires and interviews with our personas. We established the features children want in educational toys.

In general we established that children enjoy challenges and using colourful devices, which are portable and which are not heavy.

After establishing the user requirements we carried out the design principles for our prototypes.

1. Simplicity
Our prototype was to have simple terminology that would be easily understood by the children who still developing their vocabulary. The buttons must also have description of their functions.

2. Support
We decided on a help facility, which would give description of how functions on the device operate.

3. Familiarity
We have to allow users to build on prior knowledge to make use of our device more effectively. To cater for this we will use icons that are self-explanatory and so users are aware of how to access particular features of the device.

4. Obviousness
Our design is to be attractive and encourage children to use the device. There will be use of icons, which represent the function that are carried out when certain icons are selected.

5. Satisfaction
Our design in terms of satisfaction was to create a device that would make children happy and confident to use the device without difficulties. When users have complete particular tasks or levels they will be acknowledged without delay so they will be encouraged to continue making use of the device.

6. Availability
Our aim in regards to availability was to allow navigation to be carried out with ease. This will allow users to make more use of the device therefore it will be effective in carrying out its purpose.

7. Safety:
Incorrect input by the user is present when using devices. If they are not handled correctly when the usability is affected. For example if the user decides that they want to stop playing his opponent then the device must get confirmation from the user, who may have pressed stop second player by mistake, without the warning the consequence could be that the second player could have finished before they wanted.

8. Versatility
We established versatility by allowing a user to connect to a second player. This allows competition with each other and it becomes more exciting to use.

9. Personalisation
As all people have different personalities which we must cater for in order for the product to be successful. We will allow this by allowing users to change the colour scheme of the device interface.

Saturday 3 March 2007

Ideas and consideration from market research and persona questionnaires

Product 1 in our market research is a magnetic drawing board. From this tool children can learn to write and draw. Due to improvements in technology this product is becoming less popular. However the pen that is used can be a feature that is incorporated into our design for the product.

Product 2 is the abacus. This abacus helps the students with their mathematical skills. Although the product is a little out of date, we will follow its core aims to improve a child's mathematical skills. It is also colourful which makes it more appealing to children, we will use this idea in our product.

Product 3 is a PDA. Although the PDA is more adult oriented it still has features that can be taken into consideration. One such feature is its easy to use menu's. Our product will need to have easy to use menus so that the children can easily locate the games. The PDA also has stylus pen in order to write or select things. This can be used in our design.

product 4 is the PSP. It is shaped in a certain way so that it is easy to hold. It is also a good size and weight so that it can be held by children. The keypad provides a useful navigation through menus which children are used to. Although the aims of the PSP are different, these features will be included in our design as they improve usability. Children are used to holding products like this and also are used to this navigation. Therefore having these features breeds familiarity with the user, so they can spend more time playing the educational games rather then figuring out how to use it.

From persona questionnaires we identified identified that mathematic is an important area to concentrate on in our product. The product must be fun so that the children are willing to play all the time and do not get frustrated or bored with it so they throw it away. It must also be more challenging for intelligent children. The parents that have bought educational devices are
satisfied with the product. Therefore this product needs to be of a high standard in order to compete with others and have features that others may not necessarily have. Hence this product needs to be innovative.

other considerations:

After considering the use of speech recognition we have decided not to use this. This is because with current technology speech recognition is not accurate or reliable. Also some young children may not be able to pronounce words properly.

Larger font sizes will be used in the product as most designers follow the rule of thumb that the younger the child, the larger the font should be.

Kids tend to focus on the fun aspects of the software rather than the educational agenda. Therefore it will be our aim to combine the two. This will make it a more effective way of learning.

Humor and good character development are important ingredients when designing the games and what games will be on the product

To keep the kids entertained the mentality of not preaching, not lecturing and talking down which will help keep the kids entertained and help them learn the most workable, way this way the kids will not lose interest

Kids are good at figuring things out, we need to be clear when we explain things to kids not including additional material using a few words as possible and making sure to use spoken words to explain things better.

Friday 2 March 2007

Persona 5 - Sarah Collins Questionnaire

1* Child: How old are you?


2* Child: Are you a boy or a girl?


3 Child: Education:

Primary School

4* Child: During the week, how many hours per day do you usually spend on activities (i.e. watching TV, playing on the computer, playing with your toys, playing sports, etc.)

1-2 hours a day

5* Child: What is your favourite cartoon character?


6* Child: What is your favourite colour?


7* Child: Do you enjoy learning? If no, please state why not?


8* Child: Which subject do you dislike most and why?

Reading - I find it hard to read long words

9* Child: How many educational devices do you currently have?


10* Child: What do you like about your current educational device(s)?

I like the learning games as I can make my reading better

11* Child: Which games do you like to play the most and why?

I like playing with Barbie dolls, all my other friends have Barbie and we can play together

12* Parent: Do you consider the educational device(s) a valuable tool for your child's learning?

Yes I want my child to be a lawyer like myself, hopefully she will learn a lot from this educational game and improve her reading, writing and arithmetic which is important in life.

13* Parent: How much are you willing to spend on a educational device for your child?

£70 - £80

14* Parent: Are you satisfied with the current educational device(s) your child uses? Give Reason
(1=Least satisfied,5=Most satisfied)


15 Parent: Please add any further thoughts of your own below:

I am willing to pay up to £80 only for a top quality product, this tool must enhance
their learning experience and be fun to play with.

16 Person filling out the questionnaire, please state your relationship to the child (Parent, Grandparent, legal Guardian, etc.)


Persona 4 - John Smith's Questionnaire

John smiths filled in questionnaire

1* Child: How old are you?


2* Child: Are you a boy or a girl?


3 Child: Education:

Primary School

4* Child: During the week, how many hours per day do you usually spend on activities (i.e. watching TV, playing on the computer, playing with your toys, playing sports, etc.)

More than 4 hours a day
5 hours

5* Child: What is your favourite cartoon character?

Denis the Menace

6* Child: What is your favourite colour?


7* Child: Do you enjoy learning? If no, please state why not?

Its too boring

8* Child: Which subject do you dislike most and why?


9* Child: How many educational devices do you currently have?

I don't have an educational device

10* Child: What do you like about your current educational device(s)?

I don't have any

11* Child: Which games do you like to play the most and why?

Mortal Kombat, its fun

12* Parent: Do you consider the educational device(s) a valuable tool for your child's learning?

Yes, it aids them to learn and improve their knowledge

13* Parent: How much are you willing to spend on a educational device for your child?

£30 - £40

14* Parent: Are you satisfied with the current educational device(s) your child uses? Give Reason
(1=Least satisfied,5=Most satisfied)

He has no current devices

15 Parent: Please add any further thoughts of your own below:

I am willing to purchase this product if it improves his learning and he does better at school

16 Person filling out the questionnaire, please state your relationship to the child (Parent, Grandparent, legal Guardian, etc.)


Persona 3 - George Tyler Questionnaire

1* Child: How old are you?


2* Child: Are you a boy or a girl?


3 Child: Education:


4* Child: During the week, how many hours per day do you usually spend on activities (i.e. watching TV, playing on the computer, playing with your toys, playing sports, etc.)

3-4 hours a day

5* Child: What is your favourite cartoon character?

Jerry (Tom and Jerry)

6* Child: What is your favourite colour?


7* Child: Do you enjoy learning? If no, please state why not?

No its too hard

8* Child: Which subject do you dislike most and why?


9* Child: How many educational devices do you currently have?


10* Child: What do you like about your current educational device(s)?

It helps me with my school work

11* Child: Which games do you like to play the most and why?

Sonic - I like hedgehogs

12* Parent: Do you consider the educational device(s) a valuable tool for your child's learning?

Yes my child can learn a lot from these tools, I want what is best for my child

13* Parent: How much are you willing to spend on a educational device for your child?

£50 - £60

14* Parent: Are you satisfied with the current educational device(s) your child uses? Give Reason
(1=Least satisfied,5=Most satisfied)


15 Parent: Please add any further thoughts of your own below:

I am looking for more educational tools hopefully this tool will provide the functionality that is

16 Person filling out the questionnaire, please state your relationship to the child (Parent, Grandparent, legal Guardian, etc.)


persona 2 - John Anderson Questionnaire

1* Child: How old are you?


2* Child: Are you a boy or a girl?


3 Child: Education:

Primary School

4* Child: During the week, how many hours per day do you usually spend on activities (i.e. watching TV, playing on the computer, playing with your toys, playing sports, etc.)

1-2 hours a day

5* Child: What is your favourite cartoon character?


6* Child: What is your favourite colour?


7* Child: Do you enjoy learning? If no, please state why not?


8* Child: Which subject do you dislike most and why?

Spelling - I find it difficult

9* Child: How many educational devices do you currently have?


10* Child: What do you like about your current educational device(s)?

There are a lot of different games

11* Child: Which games do you like to play the most and why?

Super Mario - It has lots of different games

12* Parent: Do you consider the educational device(s) a valuable tool for your child's learning?

Yes if it helps John on his spelling

13* Parent: How much are you willing to spend on a educational device for your child?

£30 - £40

14* Parent: Are you satisfied with the current educational device(s) your child uses? Give Reason
(1=Least satisfied,5=Most satisfied)


15 Parent: Please add any further thoughts of your own below:

John needs to improve his spelling, hopefully the new educational tool will focus on spelling

16 Person filling out the questionnaire, please state your relationship to the child (Parent, Grandparent, legal Guardian, etc.)
