Wednesday 31 January 2007

Weekly Report

Team Meeting
Today we met in the project lab, where all team members were present.

The following issues were covered:

  • Decided to focus our project on children at the age of 11 and under
  • Brainstormed ideas for project
  • Established a project idea of an 'all in one educational device'. This device would help educate our target audience in the areas of numeracy and literature. In terms of numeracy the children will be taught how to carry out basic additions and subtractions through examples and then tests will be set to calculate there knowledge and understanding. In terms of literature the device will aid the user in spelling and developing basic sentences

Work to be carried out before next meeting:

  • Each member to establish the persona of the target audience
  • Document the justification of chosen product over other product ideas that where discussed
  • To think of questions that we may ask our target audiance which will aid the design of our product

Issues to cover in the next meeting 7 February 2007

  • Establishing a questionnaire, to gather information from the target audiance

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